Mentorship & Specialized Training for Breathwork Facilitators

This is your place to deepen and refine your practice as a keeper of the breath. A place to explore and expand your knowledge, skills and capacity as a breathwork facilitator and space holder.

This is a community to learn from and with as you activate the purest and truest essence of your unique gifts while contributing to the overall integrity of this work.

Apply Now!

You've Landed Here to Take it to the Next Level....


You have been gifted the extraordinary purpose of sharing the power and gift of the breath with the world. 

You know your evolution and growth is ongoing and you desire to deepen within community.

This space is a close proximity mentorship container with me in which you will receive personalized responses and feedback to your questions. You will also have the opportunity to share your experiences and deepen with other breathwork facilitators.

It is intended to offer both ongoing learning and professional development as well as personal deepening through:

* A live chat thread for you to ask questions about your practice as a facilitator, your personal practice and share your experiences while learning within a group of other breathwork facilitators

* Online group facilitated breathwork journeys 

That continuous calling from deep within you for the ongoing inspired evolution of your human and your soul has led you here. Trust that. 

Please note: to support the depth of this mentorship container, it is reserved for trained breathwork facilitators. Please note there may be a variety of training backgrounds within the group.

Apply Now!

3 Day Inner Revolution Journey 


Experience your Breath in a Whole New Way and Inspire the Evolution of your Soul.


  • Connect to the magic of your breath
  • Embody all parts of yourself 
  • Reclaim your power
  • And discover the capacity within to become your own medicine
Start my 3 Day Inner Revolution Journey Now!

Included in Your Facilitator Mentorship:


* Intake Process to Create a Cohesive and Diverse Container for Depth and Quality

* Live Online Chat Thread for Asking Questions & Sharing Experiences for Feedback

* Bi-Weekly Group Online Breathwork Journeys (Recording Available)

Minimum 3 Month Commitment


$555 plus tax for the 3 months

Payment Plan

$222 plus tax/month for 3 months

Apply Now!

Meet Your Guide...


My name is Carmen Ganne. Joy is my middle name, literally (and figuratively). I'm a Mama, Mentor and Mystic.

I'm also an International Breathwork Specialist and Breathwork Facilitator Trainer.

My style of breathwork focuses on repatterning how we breathe to shift our unique vibrational frequency and internal cellular landscape. As our inner world transforms, our outer world can hold our wildest dreams. Together we marvel at the intersection of science, spirit and human.

I'm in the 'this is the life I've been praying for' season of my journey and I'm finally (thank the gods) wise enough to allow myself to live it and enjoy it (mostly). I get how precious our journey on this planet truly is. The deeper I go, the deeper I go and I am in awe of the richness, beauty and challenge of this human experience.

Holding space for others came naturally to me. And so it became my work in the world over the past 20 years. First through coaching, then counselling, then teaching and hosting retreats. Now I'm in my element as a conduit for the divine as a mentor for others who are revolutionizing the planet with their gifts.


FB @carmenganne | IG @carmenganne | [email protected] |

What Others Are Saying...

Isa B

 “If you have ever wondered what it feels like to be held by an angel in the most sacred and beautiful way, this is precisely how it feels to be facilitated by Carmen. Her magical way of weaving and clarifying is gentle and potent at the same time. I trust her with the most precious thing to me, my daughters. And I trust her to hold me as well. It’s a blessing to have access to her medicine.”

Danielle B

"I am forever changed. The way in which Carmen facilitates and holds space is unlike anything I have experienced before. Her gentle, loving presence allowed me to feel safe in showing up in my wholeness (particularly my “messiness” which I used to shy away from being seen in). Over the course of our journey together, I witnessed immense expansion and transformation in myself.
If you feel even a little bit called to experience her medicine, I invite you to lean in- you will find incredible comfort and support here. Working with Carmen has cracked me open in the most beautiful of ways.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!"


Carsen V
"I joined at a time when I knew I needed support to prioritize my self-care. Carving out the time every week to explore my breath, connect in and reflect inward was truly the best gift I could have given myself. My experience was profound. Carmen exceeded all my expectations. She brings an epic clarity combined with embodied wisdom and a welcoming heart that creates the most beautiful safe and sacred container. I was thoroughly impressed with the care and attention I received and the depth of my weekly journeys. I gained many insights about my patterns and the gifts I bring to the world. I would leave our sessions feeling lighter, more expanded and grounded, with a deeper connection to myself and others. I felt truly seen, heard and honoured during every call. I highly recommend working with Carmen. It’s a transformative experience you can’t even imagine, that your heart and soul will thank you for!"

Rachel W

"Carmen has such a beautiful and calming presence and is able to translate and make sense of anything that comes up. She wholeheartedly shows up and this is so evident any time I am with her. Her knowledge and wisdom helps create the beautiful space she holds and every experience has its own unique gift to offer."



Heather F

"I just loved was a great balance of so much...I love the intuition and spirit and seen and unseen...she's just lovely! So sincere. She takes such special care in the work she does & with her community."

Tamara G

"Carmen gave me what I needed at the exact moment and to the depth that I needed and was able to receive it. She offered deep reflection and a gateway to my inner knowledge and connection to spirit. I received deep insight into how my inner world is reflecting externally. She also guided me through physical and emotional release in a powerful way and supported a deeper connection with myself and those around me. Her authenticity and ability to hold me without judgment is such a blessing."